
General Rules

  • Rules may be changed at any time, so please check them often.
  • It's each members responsibility to read and fully understand the rules of the ladder they are participating on.
  • ANY abuse of staff members or members of the site, will not be tolerated. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE for any racial or ethnic abuse and any violators will be automatically banned. The staff here at ConsoleGlitches are on a volunteer basis and are here to help you, so please be respectful.
  • ConsoleGlitches.com does NOT tolerate any cheating from any members or teams, whether it is on the site or in the game. Any person or persons who break this rule, will have their teams and accounts removed and will be banned indefinitely.
  • Team leaders are responsible for their team mates and their actions.
  • Members do not have access to change their user names and must send in a ticket requesting the name change. This rule also goes for leaders attempting to change their team name.
  • Any promotion of outside sites will result in an automatic suspension.
  • ConsoleGlitches will NOT request any personal information about your account on the site or on the gaming consoles. If this occurs, report to the staff immediately using the ticket system and contact the console's customer support.

Specific Settings

  •  At ConsoleGlitches.com, we want our gamers to personalize their matches as much as possible.
  •  All settings must be agreed upon before the match.


  • Members are only allowed to be on one team per ladder.
  • All users that are participating in a match must be registered on ConsoleGlitches.com and be eligible on that team.
  • The name on the roster of the team MUST match the name of the user in the match.
  • For a member to be eligible to play in a match, they must have a green "check mark" next to their name stating they are able to participate. Any member with a red "X" is ineligible and will not be able to participate.
  • If a team shows up with an ineligible player, the game must be stopped, and a ticket must be sent immediately. If a ref is available contact them immediately.
  • Each team must make sure the opposing team is eligible and able to play.


  • Any rules stated in an accepted challenge, must be used in that match. This included number of players, rules, etc.
  •  If BOTH teams wish to cancel the challenge then both team must send in a ticket requesting for the challenge to be removed.
  • Two teams can NOT play each other more than once in a 48 hour period.


  • Each match is played in either 1, 3, or 5 rounds. In sports games however, each exhibition game counts as one round. In games where the match is decided best of three rounds, i.e. Street Fighter IV, Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe, then each best of three match only counts as one round.
  • A "Lag Test" must be performed before the match is started. If the game lags during this test, a new host must be chosen. If both teams cannot find or agree upon an acceptable host, the match needs to be removed. To have the match removed, both teams need to submit tickets asking that the match be canceled.
  • Teams may not delay the match for more than 5 minutes between each map. If a team delays the start for longer than 5 minutes between maps, they will forfeit that map. The team that did not delay must submit a ticket with valid proof showing that this delay did occur. First, the match must be completed and the scores must be reported correctly.
  • If a player drops within the first 30 seconds of the round, the match must be restarted. If the player drops in the middle of a round, he/she may be invited back into the match. Unless it is a kill dependent mode, then the team that lost the member forfeits that round.
  • If a map results in a tie, the map will be replayed with the same sides and settings.


  • Any team killing or repeated "suicides" in a match will not be tolerated.
  • "Snaking", glitching, or any manipulation of a game to get an advantage is considered cheating and will result in an automatic loss of the whole match.
  • The use of any communications other than what is provided within the game is prohibited.


  • Teams have 15 minutes from the scheduled match time to start the match.
  • The team must show up with all members. If the opposing teams is short on their members, they forfeit that map unless the two teams agree to continue.


  • Both teams must report the results accurately. Any team reporting fake wins will be held accountable.
  • If the opposing team does not report the match after the battle, the match will be reported automatically in 24 hours.
  • Any teams that repeatedly report false results will be locked.


  • Teams holding the crown must battle frequently. If the status of the teams activity drops below designated status level, crown will be awarded to the team ranked in 1st place on that specific ladder.
  • If a team holding the crown loses a match, it must be reported immediately to ensure the winning team gets the crown. Any team caught violating this rule will be locked.


  • When submitting a ticket, please fill in all the required fields. Any ticket that is unclear will be removed.
  • Tickets are dealt with in order they are received.
  • Do not send in multiple tickets dealing with the same issue. If you have new information regarding a match, then feel free to send in a new ticket with information.
  • Please make sure you inform staff which console, i.e. Xbox, Playstation 3, etc., your ticket is dealing with in the description section of the ticket.


  • You need to show proof of winning each map/game in a match to be given the win for it. All proof must be clearly visible and show the in-game full scoreboard during the completion of that map/game.
  • Conversations between members is not considered proof.
  • The accuser of any glitching or cheating claims must provide valid proof.
Last Updated May 23

Team Requirements
No requirements

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